Career Guidance and Counselling
The purpose of any education system is not only to academic learning but also all-round development of children and value creation within children.
Development of such personal-social qualities includes knowledge and understanding, abilities and skills in relation to oneself and others. The school, besides the family, is a major influence in children's personal-social development.
As students’ progress through primary and secondary stages of schooling, they need an environment that is secure, warm, caring and nurturing. Teachers in order to foster personal-social competence need to develop an understanding of their students and ensure that all students are treated fairly, are valued, and are exposed to a wide range of personal and social learning experiences.
Education aims at promoting optimum development of students in all spheres – educational, vocational, personal, social, moral, physical etc. so as to make them productive and useful citizens. Guidance and counseling in harmony with the goals of education, aims to facilitate maximum personal development of children in all spheres of life. In its attempt to meet the needs of all students, guidance and counseling makes education a meaningful and satisfying experience.
Learning and understanding about self is as important as learning about various school subjects. Every child has the potential to develop self-understanding which includes understanding of abilities, interests, behavior’s, attitudes, values, conflicts, anxieties, likes, dislikes, impulses / emotions, goals, one’s role in society etc.
The need for guidance and counseling for students emerges from the changes taking place in every sphere of life. Academic stress, poor academic performance, cut-throat competition, vast and varied educational and career opportunities and resulting confusion in making career choice, ever growing, changing and complex world of work, drop-out, suicide, anger, violence, drug abuse, child abuse, sex abuse, HIV/AIDs, crime, changes in lifestyle, divorced / single parents etc. are some of the concerns which require support of guidance and counseling services to school students. Helpline for students by various organizations like CBSE, few State level guidance agencies, NGOs etc. and popularity of these helplines point towards the need and significance of guidance and counseling requirement for the school system.
To address the developmental needs and concerns of students at different stages of schooling, a professionally trained person, a counselor or a teacher-counselor is required to work within and with the system.
The purpose of guidance and counseling services is to help each student develop as an individual in his/her own right, make choices and set goals on the basis of his/her strengths. By attending to the special needs and requirements of students belonging to different social, economic and cultural backgrounds, guidance and counseling helps students engage in the educational process and, thereby, benefit from the curricular experiences. Guidance and counseling not only helps students to develop an understanding of one self and of others, it also supports students to deal with their personal- social, academic and career related concerns.
It facilitates development of effective study habits, motivation, identifying learning or subject related problems, helping students to see the relevance of school years in life and for future, developing skills, right attitude and interests to help making a choice in career etc. Guidance and counseling, thus, promotes holistic development of every student. This signifies the need for every teacher to become a ‘guidance minded’ teacher and carry out his/her functions with guidance aim.
Choosing the right career can be a daunting task, especially in a world which offers plethora of options, all of which seem to be leading to a golden goal. Careers can actually make or break one’s life, so it is very important to make the right choice. In every career stream there is a pyramid, with lots of people at the bottom and few recognized and very successful people at the top. In our interaction with such few very successful professional we found one thing in common, “They all are very much devoted towards their work”. This devotion leads to exceptional unwavering focused performance leading to success. The Task of identifying one’s interest, selecting the right career option, getting through the technical difficulties and finally starting a professional life have a lot of hurdles and require an expert’s attention and assistance. This is where an Education Consultant plays an important role.
For FormsAdda Expert Guidance you can reach 24×7, FormsAdda Student helpline will always be happy to solve all your career related queries.
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